
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    Slow mouth movement

    9 month old doe that can’t open her mouth all the way. Seems painful. No swelling present and is interested in eating but having trouble taking treats and chewing them.
  2. B

    buck fawn running rampid, panting, foaming at mouth

    Nov, 8th. Buck fawn was acting normal when I feed him at lunch. It is now 8pm and he is running like crazy, bouncing off of the fence, panting and foaming at the mouth and a bit wobbly. He was very tame and now he's acting straight crazy. Parasites? Some sort of bacteria? he's in a1/2 acer pen...
  3. B

    3 yr old buck wth sores on face and mouth?

    He started acting lethargic 4 days ago and ears drooped so I hit him with 2cc of draxxin. He showed improvement but now stays humped up and don't want to walk and has sores around his mouth. Any suggestions plz?
  4. S

    Out of the mouth of babes

    so here is a situation that I ran into with my 5 yr. old granddaughter while decorating for christmas CC Marie cracks me up. she says "Gramma, what happened to all your chicken stuff". I am confused and tell her so. She says " all the hunting stuff in the cabinet". Oh, a light comes on. I say...
  5. T

    Buck Flapping His Mouth With Foam Or Saliva

    My buck is flapping his mouth and making sound with foam or saliva coming out . Anybody know what this might be ? Could it be worms or ? Please help me out on what might be wrong . Thanks
  6. T

    mother doe siliva coming from mouth and had triplets 1 was still born

    wondering what might be wrong with my 1 doe . she has siliva coming from her mouth and has part of her tongue hanging out sometimes . she had triplets 1 was still born and 1 i found dead and the other 1 she is caring for . looks like she still has her winter coat . her back hip bones are up...
  7. D

    Sore Under Fawn Mouth

    I need to figure out how to post a picture to show this. It was about a week ago that I noticed a sore with a scab or it feels like a scab. It is to the side of her V. I am putting polysporin on it. She feels good, and is taking milk and eating good. She is about 6 wks old. She runs and...
  8. B

    Foam from mouth

    Hello, I have situation going on with a 4 year old Doe. A week ago we noticed the doe pacing along the pen with foam coming from the corners of her mouth. We thought she might be impacted but her checks don't look swollen. We gave her 3cc's of LA200 and it seemed to stop. Tonight we...
  9. K

    Fawn that has water dripping from mouth

    I got a 6 month bottle fed fawn, she isn't very big has not put on much weight and had diarea. I brought her inside gave her Draxin and called the vet. The vet gave her Bose. Vit-b, and a worm shot, took stool sample, the sample had some cossida and liver flukes, she gave me then Valbazon for...
  10. B

    Fawn with mouth problems??? Help!!

    I have a buck fawn that has puffy cheeks kinda like food impaction. There is nothing inside. It looks like it is swelled a bit. We thought it was lumpy jaw so we treated for it, and no changes. His teeth in the front are all loose, and looks like they are going to fall out, but are attached good...