
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. S

    Doe Losing fur around her neck and side-Please Help

    Please Help me, My baby doe is 4 months old and she is starting to loss some fur around her nick and side, is this normal shedding? or does she have some other problem. She was using her back huff to scratch her nick, but my wife started using some medicated powder to stop the itching we think...
  2. D

    Help for Broke Neck Deer

    Good afternoon yall, My name is Laura and I am posting this on behalf of my Mama, Debbie that is not very techy, but has a huge heart and is involved in saving and rehabilitating deer (to later be released back into the wild... well, a protected ranch). FWC brought her 5 new deer a couple days...
  3. 1

    Buck with Arrow in Neck

    I have a buck with an arrow in it's neck I want to remove or cut short. The buck knows me and has had the arrow in it's neck for about a week. A neighbor posted it on Facebook 5 days ago and now he's at my house. He's camped under my deck. It's not hunting season and probably got shot by some...
  4. H

    Possibility of doe breaking neck coming out of chute

    I received a call from my vet tonight. He was working  a fellow deer farmers yearling doe. She was in the chute five minutes or less. Meds, plus draining a cyst on her neck. When he dropped the chute she hit the ground and died. Her neck was broke. Has anyone ever seen a deer break its neck in...
  5. H

    Possibility of doe breaking neck coming out of chute

    I received a call from my vet tonight. He was working  a fellow deer farmers yearling doe. She was in the chute five minutes or less. Meds, plus draining a cyst on her neck. When he dropped the chute she hit the ground and died. Her neck was broke. Has anyone ever seen a deer break its neck in...
  6. R

    Yearling losing hair on his neck

    Hi trying to help a buddy out he has a one year old buck looks like he is loading his hair. I know this buck did get a antler infection this summer and his antlers were cut. Otherwise he said he seemed fine after that tell now. Wondering what your guys thoughts are? Thanks
  7. R

    Knot on side of neck

    Hi everyone, I have a 5 month old fawn ( doe) I noticed a knot on the side of her neck. Been watching it for about 2 weeks. Tried searching the older posts, can up empty. It has gone down almost gone, but is now a little bigger. Really scratch and rubbed it. Did not feel an open spot like a bite...
  8. zmcgill

    Lump on neck

    1. Discovered this lump on the side of his neck, below the jaw, late yesterday. Any ideas what is going on? or what to do about it. 2. He also has somthing that has been going on with the front corner of his jaw, but this has been Like this since last year at about this time. It has...
  9. D

    Fawn with injured neck sad ending

    Well first I'd like to thank everyone on here for their support and efforts in helping us with our little girl. I'm sad to say that we had to put her down today, as her condition was deteriorating and her appetite etc was leaving her as well. We couldn't watch her suffer or go down hill any...
  10. D

    Please help with die fawn neck injury

    Hi everyone. I just joined the forum today and posted about our little fawn with a neck injury. I'm not sure if I'm doing this wrong, because I'm terrible on computers. If somebody has read it I could really use some advice. I'm thinking of putting her down at this point....but my kids are going...
  11. D

    Doe with broken neck??

    Hi there, I just joined the forum today.....although I've been reading things on it every day for the past few months....some of which have saved the butts of my fawns as well as my own. We started our whitetail deer farm in April, in the huge town of minden Ontario, Canada and are having a...
  12. L

    Deer Losing Hair - mainly around neck

    Today I visited my deer Rosa and her pals. My Rosa has never looked so awful to me. I noticed about a month ago, when we had extreme heat that her hair was beginning to thin our a lot around her neck. I looked really closely and didn't notice any type of lice or any other topical issues...
  13. H

    How do you tell if a deer's neck in broken?

    My yearling buck was being chased by a dog and hit the fence and went down. We think his neck may be broken since he is not getting up. We don't want to put him down if there is any other option. Any suggestions would be helpful as we are desparate for information as soon as possible! Thank you!
  14. S

    Any luck with broken neck?

    Have a bottle fed buck fawn about 6 months old who hit the fence a couple of days ago. Now his neck has a lump and appears that his entire neck does not align correctly with his body. He obviously does not feel well. We think his neck is broken. Anything we can do for him - other than put him down?
  15. H

    Neck Injury

    Hi Members, I had a yearling buck hit the fence two weeks ago. He was in a runway so he didn't have much speed but he panicked and hit multiple times. It was not immediately apparant that he was hurt to any significant extent. The next day however, was a different story. Since that time he...