
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. P

    question about needle size for jab sticks?

    What size needle is most commonly used on jab sticks? Thanks in advance for any responses.
  2. M

    Size of the needle for Darting

    Hello again, I have put down around 10-15 deer total this past year that I have been raising whitetails. I have noticed that the 1inch needle on the 2cc darts are pretty unforgiving when it comes to tissue damage and bruising.(compared to 3/4inch needle) Does anyone have a reccomendation on the...
  3. K

    Pneu Dart needle size

    For those of you who don,t know Pneu Dart has changed the size of their needles and the filler needles that you bought from them won't fit down into the dart needle to fill. You will have to use a finer filler needle to fill the new darts. Just wanted to let yall know so you don't cut the deer...