
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    Newborn fawns

    What is your farms protocol for new fawns? What medications/vitamins do you give? This is is the first year I'll be fawning and trying to get all my stuff together , thanks in advance for any help
  2. S

    Crows or Ravens killing newborn Fawns

    We are having a BIG problem with crows or ravens killing newborn fawns out in our pens. Each day we are finding 1-2 fawns that have their rear ends eaten and eyes pecked out. These were healthy fawns when tagged in the morning. At this point we have lost 14 fawns within the first 48 hours...
  3. T

    Multiple newborn fawns seizures and deat

    I'm a little desperate for ideas.... We've lost 4 fawns. Separate moms, separate pens, separate dads so not genetic. Each fawn displays the same symptoms of being alert, eating, vocal, and then starts to have seizures or convulsions. In between seizures their heads are up and they are responsive...
  4. J

    Weak newborn fluid on lungs, Help Please

    I need immediate advice please! This morning twins born, going by when I saw buck mount doe (Nov. 1), they'd be around 17 days early. Little buck seems to have fluids on his lungs and has gotten very weak since lunch time when he had gotten up and came towards me. Stuck my finger in both their...
  5. R

    Sick newborn fawn

    Randall owner of Waldrep Whitetail Farm here in Alabama. We had a fawn born last night that we found this morning to tag. When we located the buck fawn he was laying head down and ants were biting him around his eyes and rectum. We clean him up, removed all the ants, and checked his temp which...
  6. W

    Fawn Vaccinations - Newborn Fawns

    What is your Fawn Vaccine protocol.....which drug, how many CC's, and why? One thing I have learned now that I have been in this amazing industry for 2 years now, is that everyone does things a little different, and everyone is willing to share their ideas with each other. Being in Kevin's...
  7. R

    My newborn having siezers

    My wife and i had our first child 1-9-11 he was a healthy baby boy until sunday he began having siezers and we are now in childrens hospital in Pittsburgh I ask for all your prayers and blessing for himto pull through this all and be a healthy little deer farmer. thanks guys
  8. L

    Newborn Fawn Weights

    Hello, I'm relatively new to farming and this is my first crop of fawns born on the farm this year, My question is this, What is the normal size for buck and doe fawns born to first time mothers? I have had three little buck fawns born to first time mothers that weigh 10 pounds each. Is this...
  9. redwood_river_whitetails

    Advice on newborn baby!!!

    A good friend of ours had his very first fawns last night...2 doe fawns. One is perfect and the other has a badly deformed nose. She only has one nostril (the other one actually curls down into her mouth and does not take air) and her lip is clefted. Kind of like those poor children that...