
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. jerrilee cave

    Ted Nugent weighs in on Ryan Sabalow's opinionated deer farming/preserve expose The Pope & Young Club released it official position statement this week on fair chase and canned hunting, condemning such practices. We asked Ted Nugent of Spirit of the Wild questions...
  2. Wicked Whitetails

    Glenn Beck interviews Ted Nugent

    This is worth watching.
  3. E

    Ted Nugent on Fox News

    Here is the actual aired interview that was done at the ranch. It's great!
  4. E

    Hardcore Pursuit/Ted Nugent video shoot

    This past week he had the opportunity to host Ted Nugent and the guys from the Hardcore Pursuit TV show. Everyone had a great time and the guys from Hardcore got a super 170 class native South Texas buck. We will be posting more of last weeks pictures on the website