
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. S

    October Mule Deer semen draw

    What's the earliest anyone has had a successful semen draw?? Is early October too early? The reason being, I have a Mule deer buck and have an opening to try and draw on him October 3 or I'd have to wait and the next opportunity would be mid November. I'm sure it's better later but If I can get...
  2. La. Bone Collector

    October AI

    October AI? I was given two dates for this fall by my technician I have used for several years. The first date was October 25-26 and the second was November 12-13. I usually breed my deer the first week of November however this year maybe different. I was wanting input from those who have bred...
  3. C

    october antler & taxidermy auction

    Circle M Auctions Presents The First Annual Fall Classic Taxidermy , Antler , & Sporting Goods Auction Saturday & Sunday October 13th & 14th 2012 At The Jackson County Fair Grounds 1212 East Quarry Street Maquoketa, IA Saturday October 13th 11:30 am: Taxidermy , Tanned Furs...
  4. K

    AIing in october

    Just wondering how many of you were AIing in october and what is your success on the AI vs doing it later ?
  5. I

    Is it really October?

    Greetings from "tropical" southern Minnesota. This is how it looks today from our dining room window this afternoon! We have gone from 28 straight days of no rain in September to one of the coldest and the wettest October on record.:( So far in October, we have received 8 inches of...
  6. M

    Doe had a Fawn yesterday (October 19, 2009) .....In Texas,is it rare ?

    Yesterday , I went to one of my pens and saw a new born fawn....I was like:confused:. Is it Rare?