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  1. J

    State officials kept silent on CWD discovery at game farm

    margin:0px 0px 15px;1.2em;(0,0,0);Verdana, margin:0px I thought this was interesting State officials kept silent on CWD discovery at game farm A state agriculture official acknowledged Friday that a second case of chronic wasting disease at a shooting preserve in Marathon County...
  2. T

    USDA Officials: CWD Standards Going to Public Comment Soon

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom September 20, 2013 USDA Officials: CWD Standards Going to Public Comment Soon Industry Leaders Meet with USDA APHIS to Discuss Future of Cervid Industry USDA/APHIS invited several industry leaders to Washington D.C. to discuss concerns...
  3. E

    Iowa Cervid Industry Under Attack from State Officials

    I sent this out to the American Cervid Alliance and hopefully it will be circulating through all the state associations. Below is a so-called piece of journalism ran in the Cedar Rapids Gazette today. The Dale Garner quoted is the same objective individual on the CWD Standards Working Group...