
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Dart Gun Options

    Alright guys I have finally decided I need a dart gun just in case I need to put someone to sleep in a hurry for any reason. I have been looking at Pneu-darts model 389 cartridge fired rifle but for some reason the model X-caliber gauged projector keeps catching my eye? The price difference is...
  2. 400CLUB

    Breeding options in PA?

    I have a doe in Howard, PA and I can't make it out there to pick up until Jan.  I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has a farm that can take this doe, breed her, and I will pick up in Jan.  Let me know!  Thanks!
  3. T

    ACA Council Explores Possible Legal Options Regarding CWD Standards

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom August 13, 2013 ACA Council Explores Possible Legal Options Regarding CWD Standards No Date Scheduled for Public Comment; Industry Leader asks USDA for Extended Comment Period Tuesday, August 6, 2013, the American Cervid Alliance convened to...
  4. T

    ACA Update- Unanimous Vote to Explore Legal Options Regarding CWD Standards

    July 23, 2013 From the American Cervid Alliance Newspage Unanimous Vote to Explore Legal Options Regarding CWD Standards Council to Send Letter to USDA Labeling Standards as “Unacceptable” The American Cervid Alliance met Tuesday to discuss the ongoing concerns of the Version 22 CWD...
  5. B

    Wondering if I have any Options?

    Hello, I'm sure everyone is going to tell me what I already know but I thought I would ask the question and see if anyone had any good ideas for me. I recently bought I straw of Hydro Ax off Whitetail Exchange from a seller and when my vet unthawed it to use it this fall for AI it exploded and...
  6. A

    Watering options

    For any of you guys who are still watering in pans, tubs, troughs, etc., (non-automated watering) does anyone have trouble with deer stomping around in the container? I get frustrated when I go clean everything out and the very next day there is 1" of mud in them. I ripped out my Ritchie tanks...
  7. R

    deer feed options?

    Has anyone used canola meal in deer feed ? I hear that it has about 40 % protien lots cheaper than soybean .I just thought I would ask around could be a real cost saver .