
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Green pasture scours

    I just turned does out to green pastures, some have developed the runs, it's a dark green. They were wormed the week before the turn out. The pasture is mostly fescue and clover. They have access to a dry feed pellet as well. They just aren't eating much other than greens. Is there...
  2. Bell

    Synchronizing and pasture breeding fawns?

    Several years ago this was something done to try and beat the Jones's by getting offspring first from a particular sire. Getting fawns bred was a way that would make you one of the first to have a cross or offspring from a hyped bloodline. Today as a producer I am wondering if there isn't a...
  3. C

    Pasture grass

    I'm getting ready to build 2 more pens this spring, just wanted to get some peoples thoughts on what they believe i should plant as far pasture grass.
  4. S

    Pasture Managment Please Help

    This is my first year in Deer Farming. At this time i have 1.12 acres under high fence. This area is divided into two pens. One of these pens is just a little bigger than the other. I have 1 breeder buck and 3 doe in each pen at this time. All the doe should have fawns if everything goes good. I...