
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    2014 PDFA Spring Benefit Auction

    The Pennsylvania Deer Farmer's Association annual Spring Benefit Auction will be held on April 26th, 2014.  The auction and trade show will be held at Kovalchick Complex, located on the IUP college campus in Indiana, PA.   We would like you to consider donating an item or items to the...
  2. T

    PDFA Quarterly Magazine

    Hello everyone! Ads and articles are due October 31st for the PA Deer Farmers Association's Quarterly Magazine. Please email me at [email protected] if you would like to place an ad or an article. Thanks! Kelly
  3. T

    2013 PDFA Spring Benefit Auction

    Don't forget about the PA Deer Farmer's 12th Annual Spring Benefit Auction this Saturday. Located in Indiania, PA at the Kovalchick Center. Doors open at 7:30. If you would like a catalog or place phone bids, please email me at [email protected] Hope to see everyone there!
  4. Rocky Top whitetails

    PDFA Spring sale Semen Special

    Take a look at our semen special and Give away. From Till the spring sale 4/13/13 you can take advantage of our slashed Prices. special # 1 We Will Donate 10% of all semen sales to PDFA From now till the spring sale. Sexed semen 750 Per straw or Two For 1400. 2013 Farm Price 1000...
  5. T

    Advertising Opportunity at the 2013 PDFA Spring Benefit Auction

    Hello everyone! At the 2013 PA Deer Farmers Association Spring Benefit Auction this year we are offering a great way to advertise your farm. The Kovalchick Center has 6-7 digital billboards and we would like to help you advertise your farm on there. You can advertise your farm for only...
  6. T

    2013 PDFA Spring Benefit Auction

    I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at the Pennsylvania Deer Farmer’s Association’s 12th Annual Spring Meeting and Benefit Auction on Saturday April 13th, 2013. We are excited to try a new venue this year. The auction will be held at the Kovalchick Complex, located on the...
  7. C

    PDFA Spring Magazine is now online.

    Check out the latest addition of the Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association Magazine. http://www.myebook.com/ebook_viewer.php?ebookId=120176 In this issue: On The Cover: Renegade 419 @2 Valley View Whitetails Info: Fawn Care, Scours, Probiotics, and more Also in this issue is a very...
  8. T

    PDFA Spring Benefit Auction Donations......LAST CALL!!

    Hello everyone! LAST CALL FOR DONATIONS! I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at the Pennsylvania Deer Farmer's Association's 11th Annual Spring Meeting and Benefit Auction on Saturday April 21st, 2012. The auction will be held at the Lancaster Host, located in...
  9. C

    NEW PDFA Winter Magazine

    The all New Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association Winter Magazine! Jr. Lapp and Myself have had the chance to work with The PDFA Board members to put together this great project for PDFA members. Together Jr. and have countless hours putting this project together and bringing this idea to...
  10. C

    PDFA 2012 Directory

    We are working on the 2012 edition of the Pennsylvania Deer Farmers Association Directory. A dependable resource to help its members communicate with others and allow them the opportunity to advertise and promote their business. This year we are opening up our pages to except 15 – 20 Full...
  11. S

    PDFA shirt/sweatshirt

    I was just wondering if anyone has seen these shirts or sweatshirts. I have seen them once but now i can't remember where i saw them and now having trouble finding them again. If anyone knows anything i would like to know thank you.