
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Perfect timing for some more bad press, Support SCI

    This was passed along to me earlier today thought I would share. ON the B&C website. The last paragraph really drives home a few points that we as an industry make over and over.   Game Farm, CWD Concerns Rise at Boone and Crockett Club Friday, March 28, 2014 Concerned about captive deer...
  2. S

    The Perfect Doe?

    This should get a lot of opinions....If you could build the "Perfect Production Doe"  for the best return on your investment today what would  her pedigree be and then......Who do you breed her with??  I know that paper does not insure results but it sure will improve your chances.
  3. H

    Perfect Storm

    Dose anyone have a Picurte or info on a Deer named Perfect Storm?