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  1. K

    Maybe the start of pneumonia in fawn

    I have a 10 week old fawn. This morning she got a little choked on her bottle and this afternoon she has some labored breathing with some noise. Should I be concerned about pneumonia? She ate most of her afternoon bottle and is still interested in nibbling on grass. Also I've been feeding canned...
  2. S


    What drug do you all uses for pneumonia? We have always used Draxxin, Zactran, or Zuprevo. Always looking for something new to keep the deer healthy. Thanks in advance. Jake
  3. B

    Pneumonia in fawns

    Pneumonia has hurt bad this year on fawns just when I thought it was over Friday my youngest buck fawn has a snotty nose and was not as energetic as usual I gave him 1/2cc of draxin and yesterday no improvement I gave him 1/2cc of excede today he died. I have a doe fawn we had to bottle Feed and...
  4. P

    Pneumonia vaccine

    I would like to start vaccinating my fawns for pneumonia and am looking for advice on what to use that works and where to buy. thank you
  5. B

    7 week old fawn with pneumonia

    What meds would yall suggests for 7 week old bottle fed fawns??
  6. B

    pneumonia help

    I have a buck fawn who clearly got pneumonia. Vet clarified that for me. His actions though are puzzling me.....any help is much appreciated. He seems to just sit there in a daze.....almost as in he's in a daze or went blind. He stopped eating but I can put alfalfa in in mouth to chew and...
  7. T

    What med for pneumonia?

    well i guess its my time. new to deer farming so not to sure do. Last year I was lucky enough all of my fawns lived and Ive had no health problem with my herd.. This year is however different, I'm loosing one a week it seem like.  life of a deer farmer i guess.. anyway   I had a doe come up...
  8. Wicked Whitetails

    Pneumonia in a fawn. Dart meds?

    Is the any medicine that u could put in a dart so that u wouldn't have to put the deer down?
  9. D

    EHD and Pneumonia treatment

    Like a lot of ya'll I've been hit with EHD on my property. One of my four year old does came down with EHD on Oct 3, symptoms mostly just pained in eyes look, and lethargic. Treated with Baytril/Draxxin/Dex over next 10 days. Holding her own, but not getting better. Pneumonia set in, with nasal...
  10. P

    excede for pneumonia?

    does anyone ever use excede for pneumonia? i usually use nu-flor but it just doesnt seem to be cutting it this time. also does anyone ever use more than what the box recommends for dosage? ive been around hogs and i know a lot of people use about 1/2 cc more than what the box says. i wasnt sure...
  11. J

    Pneumonia in fawns

    Hey guys i'm new to the site and deer farming. This is my first fawning season and so far not having very good luck. Im losing a lot of fawns, vet dug into a couple And said it's pneumonia. Had me start putting tetra bac in the water for 3-4 days and also we sent samples to k-state. So far I'm...
  12. La. Bone Collector

    Fawn has pneumonia!

    We had a cool front three days ago. Rained real hard ,cold rain. Found her tonight with a slight crackle when she exhales. I gave her .5cc of Zactran (Better than Draxxin) and 1cc Dexamethasone SQ. Is there anything else you would do for her tonight?
  13. R

    Intranasal pneumonia vaccine

    Has anyone used any of the intranasal vaccines for respiratory problems? I have used Presponse in 2009 and didn't have any problems with pneumonia. Last year I didn't vaccinate and had lots of problems with pneumonia especially as a secondary infection from EHD/Bluetongue. As dry and dusty as it...
  14. N

    AIied does with Pneumonia

    Did my Lap AIing this past saturday and two of the AIied does had pneumonia, and we had already done the AI. I gave all my does 3cc of Draxxin and these two does I gave them an additional 3cc of Draxxin. Any advice on how to treat them. My main concern would be trying to save them regardless...
  15. H

    Fawn with pneumonia

    So my 3 month old bottle fed fawn was perfectly fine last night, but this morning she was breathing very difficult, sneezing green mucus with blood tinges, and wheezing. She is not able to eat well, because it causes her more difficulty with breathing. She is not fully weaned, she usually gets...
  16. Antlershed

    following up on pneumonia in fawn

    I had one of my fawns that is about weaned start to show signs of pneumonia last week. There is little chance it was weather related being that is has been about 90 degrees everyday the last 2 weeks, but i am thinking she got milk into her lungs. I am certian it is pneumonia because she sneezed...
  17. T

    fawns making noises when they breath mybe pneumonia ?? help please

    i just noticed the other day 2 of my 3week old fawns are making noises when they are breathing . kinda sounds like when you have a cold but in there windpipe . the other week 1 of the mother does was sick and i posted on here and i called the vet and the vet gave me draxxin shot to give her she...
  18. B


    As I mentioned in another post or two, we recently lost two of our 2 yr old bucks to pneumonia... one was treated with Draxxin, but unfortunately we didn't see him until it was far too late and he was found dead this morning. Our local deer guy says pneumonia seems to be common around here...
  19. ohdeer

    Coughing buck- Not Pneumonia cough- Help!

    Hello, I am posting for a friend of ours. He has a two year old buck that began coughing about a month and a half ago. It does not seem like a pneumonia cough. It is not getting any better or any worse. They began with good doses of Biomycin, there was no change, went to draxxin, dewormed with...
  20. L

    Help !!!! 1yr Buck Sick Pneumonia ???

    I have a 1yr old buck that is getting thin and his hair fluted out so I darted and gave him wormer and baytril 100 mg/ml 4cc he weight is approx 60lbs after 2weeks not much change I have dart him again with baytril 100mg/ml in a 2cc dart for 4 days in a roll and still not much of a change...