
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. I

    Fawn poo ok ?

    Ok everyone. We are bottle feeding our first baby doe. She is 4 weeks old today. From the start her poo has been tan colored and soft and gel like. Now its thickening up and getting darker. Still tan and more paste like now. But not pellets like the big deer Any input ? Vet said ok unless...
  2. U

    clumpy poo

    I have a doe with clumpy poo, and she does look a little skinny so I thought mabey worms. I wormed her a week and a hlaf ago and I checked inside her eyelids for signs of anemia and they are nice and pink not white so worms are unlikely I would think. What else would cause here to not put...
  3. A

    Adult deer with pastey poo

    A friend of mine switched feed about the same time as I did a year ago. I have decent soft pellets most of the time but he has not seen pellets since the change. I haven't seen dark pellets since the change. He has had pastey poo since the change (about one year to date). I am not sure if it was...
  4. F

    Stinky poo?

    I just read something about the stool not suppose to stink? Is this literal? Stool is pretty firm however it does have an odor. Is that ok?
  5. D

    New fawn black poo

    I have a four day old fawn.......have been having trouble getting him to take a bottle.....been about 30 hours since he ate......he just lets the nipple sit on his tongue and does nothing........took his temp it was 100.5 while taking it he had a lot of black poo.......I know they can nave that...