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  1. J

    Fawn has runny poop

    I have a fawn, her poop is mustard colored and runny, sometimes mucusy. How do I get it to stop. No vets in the area that treat deer. Sent from my SM-G998W using Tapatalk
  2. C

    Fawn help

    I have a 2 week old fawn (approximately)that I need some advice on. A little bit of back story. I live way out in the country, this fawn was on my property for 3 days, no momma in sight. By the third day she could barely get up. I finally approached her. Her backside was covered in maggots...
  3. R

    5 day old fawn and her poop

    I am having to raise a very young fawn. She’s 5 days old. I have done all research that I can find and talked to everyone i know who have raised fawns. I’ve been feeding her a colostrum replacement and have ordered a milk replacement online since all stores surrounding me seemed to be out. The...
  4. R

    Fawn urine strong even poop smells

    I have already one thread with no real help but I have notice something different this morning. You can look at my other thread to see what has been going on with her. So last night I gave her some gas drops and gave her two or 3 ounces of Pedialyte around 11. I just left her alone for the...
  5. T

    poop question 💩

    As I was walking around my pen today I saw some poop on the ground that wasn't pelleted. you could see the pellets but they were all clumped into one turd. Is this ok or should I do anything about it?
  6. V

    fawn eating feces

    As I posted earlier I am bottle feeding some of my fawns, the trouble is I have one that is eating his poop & the other fawns also, so he is by him self for now, has any one had this problem? if so how can I get him to stop? as soon as I turn him back in with the other fawns he gets the runs, it...
  7. IndependenceRanch

    Fawn poop problems

    Below is a copy and paste of an email sent to me. Can anyone help them out? They read the forums but don't know how to post. If you have ideas post them below. Thank you. We have fawns with white smelly scours at week 3 of age then die within 5-7 days, we think ecoli they are on the mom...
  8. I

    Muscus Poop 4 week old fawn

    I have a 4 week olf fawn who's having mucus poops.  It's yellow, and like snot.  I've run an Albon treatment which cleared up the blood she had her first week, but the poop has gone from soft brown to just yellow mucus now.  I'm giving her probiotics in her bottle, and offer her grain, dirt...
  9. C

    White poop

    What causes a bottle feeding doe fawn to have white poop and soft
  10. Bell

    Probiotics with antibiotics = expensive poop unless...

    A yeast derived probiotic is the only probiotic that can survive strong antibiotic treatments. It is a waste of money to supplement with other lactobacillus derived probiotics while treating with antibiotics. I hope this info saves someone a few bucks. I love the dairy product DigestaMax4 made...
  11. C

    Firming Fawns Poop

    I have three fawns that I'[m bottle raising this year. For the first month I kept them inside the shop, and I have a feeling they didn't get introduced to the good bacteria and germs they should have been introduced to with having them outside. Is that possible? and if it is any advise on how to...
  12. richie0033

    white thick fawn poop??

    I have lost two fawns that have this solid white poop and I have another one with it now..Never seen this before..anyone know what it could be?They are on the mommas
  13. J

    3 week old watery poop

    Fawn is 3 weeks old . We have had her 2 weeks. Today having watery yellow poop. All water running down leg. Just started. Called breeder where she came from he's been having same issue for couple days. He doesn't know what it is. No access to vet care on Sunday. What can I give her. Was on red...
  14. W

    Watery poop

    Ok y'all need your help once again. I have a fawn with watery poop. She is 2 weeks and 2I days old. She is eating the same but lays around a little more. What can I give and how much?? Any other advice is helpful!
  15. J

    Sick Fawn: proof in the poop, just need help to identify

    First: Fawn is 6 weeks old, nursing on mother. Looks healthy by weight, color of coat, bright eyes, alert, etc. Farmhand noticed yesterday he was arching back with tail up but having hard time pooping. She caught sample and tested for parasite, showed some sign of strongyle. Today we watched...
  16. T

    Yellow Foamy Fawn Poop?

    i have a 2wk old fawn that when i feed last night had a yellowish foamy looking stool. i started her on albon 3cc last night but was unsure if there was anything else i should do? what could cause the stool to be yellow?
  17. S

    Foamy Poop in Fawn...What could it be?

    Fawn born on May 25th. Feeding red-cap. He's eating well and acting fine. He's on a second round of Metronidazole antibiotic for the Crypto parasite. Stools had been mucusy/liquidy. Started on Probiotics, plain yogurt and Electrolytes with an occasional Pepto dose worked in. Got the stool...
  18. K

    Bird Poop in the Feeders.....

    We use 10 foot cattle feeders under a shed roof to feed our deer. We are having problems with the birds using our feeders as toilets. The last few years we had some bird droppings but this year it is has become a real problem. The sides of the feeder and the food are covered. I put up fake...
  19. C

    Question on Poop

    Hi guys and gals, I have a ? . My does are not pooping in pellets there clumps ! And There soft clumps! My ? is this normal for this time of year? They have lots of green grass and clover plus alfa. hay and grain. Just wondering if thats normal or should i be doing something different...