
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    Missouri Department of Conservation's Abuse of Power Spurs Legislation

    12pxFrom the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom: Missouri Department of Conservation's Abuse of Power Spurs Legislation January 29, 2015   (0,0,144) largerThe following commentary has been submitted by Missouri State Representative Bryan Spencer   (0,0,144) Conservation Begins to...
  2. N

    Unborn fawns for sale out of power doe! Big typical genetics! future breeder buck!

    I have a live cover of ov  loverboy so i thought i would offer the unborn fawns here first, Most of you know loverboy is a straight out the sides WIDE typical with a great pedigree and proven production! Im gonna cover him to one of my power does, she is a 100% pure glen dice bred doe! she comes...
  3. D

    Power in Prayer!!

    There is without a doubt Power in Prayer!! I lived it .....or should I say because of it.....when I had my accident a couple years ago......I know, I am here and alive because of all the prayers across the the country and even in other parts of the world that were being sent up on my...
  4. K

    The power of ratchet and redoy ben

    Ratchet and Redoy Ben where born on Mickey Goodman’s farm at a time when a 220 inch deer were few and far between. At that time nobody dreamed that these womb brothers would be the start to one of the biggest frame bloodlines in the country. One buck was sold to Roy Yoder and was name Redoy Ben...
  5. F

    Hydro Power Axe.

    Does anyone have any current pics of him.I found his 2yr old pics.
  6. ohdeer

    Do you have a Power Doe?

    Do you have a power doe that others should know about? Power does are those consistent producers of the best of the best in our herd. They have a track record of consitently big antlers, or guaranteed passdown traits. These are the does that we do not want to part with or if we do we buy them...
  7. T

    Power Doe

    What would be the working definition of a power doe? Thanks.JC
  8. IndependenceRanch

    Abuse of diplomat power

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_plane_disturbance I can tell you that when an air marshal jumps out of his seat something WAS going on. I have had air marshals on board during disturbances and they don't get involved unless it is SERIOUS. But this guy is a diplomat so there won't be jack$%*^...
  9. I

    Power Buck Poll

    What Bucks out there are the Power Bucks?
  10. I

    Power Doe Poll

    I tried to take the top does posted on the Whitetail Sanctuary thread for top producing power does. Now lets have a vote!
  11. A

    aureomycin soluble power for fawns?

    Has anyone used aureomycin soluble in their fawns yet? What rate have you used it? I am figuring it should be about a teaspoon per day but not 100% sure. I am caring for yet another fawn brought to me from another farm that has a cough and the eye slime issue. It is 4 weeks old and it is not on...