
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Newcomer trying to prepare for first fawns. NEED ALL INFO POSSIBLE

    Hello everyone. I am NEW to deer, have two does trying to prepare for my first fawns and need all advice you experienced folks have to offer. Have a LOT of questions, some of them probably rather dumb (sorry). So please bear with me. Plan bottlefeeding doe fawns, leave bucks on mom. When...
  2. D

    5 Ways to Prepare for Hunting Season This Spring

    Roboto;(0,0,0);background-(249,249,245) margin:0px;cambria, serif;font-style:inherit;font-weight:inheritAvid hunters know that hunting season does not start on opening day, it starts months in advance. Before opening day, hunters use the prior months to prepare for their first day of shooting...
  3. G

    How do you prepare your does if you are going to live cover?

    Do you need to do anything special if you are going to live cover your does? CDRs or drugs?   Thanks 