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  1. S

    Fawns need your help

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I live in Oregon and have two wild, black-tail fawns I'm trying to help survive this winter. The fawns (both females) were orphaned early this summer, shortly after they first emerged from the woods. One fawn (the bigger of the two) appears to be doing...
  2. S

    Antibiotics and probiotics

    So im feeding as-700 2 gram crumble for my antibiotic feeding program, ill be using aeuromycin 50 gram later on, but whats the point of feeding antibiotics then having to feed probiotics?? Besides pneumonia, seems im killing all the good and the bad bacteria, then having to go back and feed a...
  3. T

    Probiotics and antibodies on same day

    Maybe a silly question, but why is it recommended to give antibodies like drax/neuflor as well as pro biotic pastes at birth? Won't those two negate each other? Or should the timing be staggered by giving one a day before the other?   First year fawning
  4. Bell

    Probiotics with antibiotics = expensive poop unless...

    A yeast derived probiotic is the only probiotic that can survive strong antibiotic treatments. It is a waste of money to supplement with other lactobacillus derived probiotics while treating with antibiotics. I hope this info saves someone a few bucks. I love the dairy product DigestaMax4 made...
  5. C


    how much yogurt or pumkin should I give to my fawn? and since he is outside how do I know if he is pooping too much? He was getting bloated after he ate and now I put gas drops in his bottle and I am weaning him but.... I still have fears of giving him too much milk or too much of anything...
  6. H

    Target Probiotics

    What is the best way to get Target probiotic products. I need to get my hands on some deer paste ASAP for a sick buck and I'm not having much luck finding it. Thanks!
  7. D

    Keith Warren on Shock Effect Probiotics

    This is Keith Warren 1st video on Shock Effect Enchancer This one is the follow up with Keith Warren using Shock Effect Enhancer
  8. F


    Can anyone tell me what kind of probiotics are out there? Do they work for you and why? Thanks, Bryan
  9. W


    i'm going to play stupid, so here it goes. does anyone know what probiotics are and what are they used for, and what are the names of some, and where do you get them.
  10. R


    ok, hear alot about target Fawn Paste and Probiotics ? Where to get it ordered? What makes it different than any other kind u buy ? thanks Rene
  11. D

    Probiotics Pros & Cons

    Today I was talking with a fellow deer farmer about fawns and death issues and he asked if I was using proboitics to feed my deer. Which I do at 24 hrs I gave Cervid Heath Products 2 cc fawn tube. My bottle feed I put 1/4 teaspoon once a day in his bottle. I have probiotics mixed in my feed...