
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Jack

    Mentor hunting Montana Program

    We had the privilege of taking our 11 year old grand daughter out hunting and she shot a nice fork mule deer buck at 200 yards right in the heart. It was great watching her get excited last week. The animals meat tastes great as it was a yearling. Today we took our 12 year old grand son out...
  2. D

    New program to pay for EHD losses

    I just found out about a new program today that will pay for any losses that a producer may have had due to EHD since October 2011.  I am not sure exactly what the payment rate will be, looks to not be a huge amount but could be up to $500/head.  Message me if you have any questions and I can...
  3. Martin's Deer Products

    Streamline Products, Inc initiates Customer Loyality Appriciation Program

    18pxStreamline Products, Inc. is initiating a new program called "CLAP", Customer Loyalty Appreciation Program. Starting April 1st 2014, we will track your purchases and every time you spend $1,500.00 with us we will give you a 5% discount on the following purchase. This can be in combination of...
  4. T

    ACA Council Approves Alternative Program Standards Document for Public Comment

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom March 25, 2014     18pxACA Council Approves Alternative Program Standards Document for Public Comment 18pxChronic Wasting Disease Public Comment Ends Monday, March 31st, 2014   AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance Leadership Council...
  5. ToddM

    Whitetail Exchange Announces Premier Sire Program

    20ptWhitetail Exchange Announces Premier Sire Program Whitetail Exchange is proud to announce the Premier Sire Section on the auction site.  This new section is specifically designed for some of the top sires in our industry.  These bucks may be historical proven producers or the newest and...
  6. T

    Review: Version 23 of Chronic Wasting Disease Program Standards “Better than Version 22, but still Burdensome to Industry”

    From the American Cervid Alliance News Room January 7, 2014   18pxReview: Version 23 of Chronic Wasting Disease Program Standards “Better than Version 22, but still Burdensome to Industryâ€� 18pxACA Creates Comparison Chart to Show New Changes     Please click link for...
  7. T

    USDA to Delay Advancement of CWD Program Standards!

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom 10/23/2013 USDA to Delay Advancement of CWD Program Standards Dr John Clifford to Give Personal Review of Standards Document SAN DIEGO- This week, during the United States Animal Health Association annual conference, USDA’s Dr John Clifford...
  8. R

    CWD Program HSUS

    Go to full article printed Winter 2001 and Spring 2002 AWIC Buletin: Emergency Animal Incidents-Guidelines for Police Officer It is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the help given to me by a number of experts in the animal...
  9. A

    Chronic Wasting Disease Program Standards

    THANKS to: Laurie Seale for sending this information so I could post it for the industry. United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services Chronic Wasting Disease Program Standards July 2012 Table of Contents Introduction...
  10. R

    GMS program???

    Hey I was just wondering how many people are using the GMS program? I also was wondering if the program is user friendly?
  11. S

    O.S.U. Deer farming program

    Hey everyone just wanted to get the word out that Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma will be conducting is Deer Farming program for the spring session starting Saturday Febuary 11, 2012.It coensides with the Whitetails of Oklahoma annual confrence. The guest speaker will...
  12. M

    Vaccination Program

    Hello All, With the fawn season here or fast approaching, I was wondering if I could get some input on other farms vaccination program or shot regiment. This will be our second fawn season and we had good success last year (100% survival from 16 fawns) but I just want to make sure we are not...
  13. W

    Federal CWD Program - where art thou?

    Well, we've been told for years the Federal CWD rules were "close" to being signed for all states to have as a guideline so they're able to work together. Since I am not politically educated, could someone tell me who I can voice my concerns to, other than my local representatives? I mean, who...
  14. T

    red cap need help with starting this program can someone email me the directions plea

    i would like to start doing this program and would like if someone that has the instructions on how to use the red cap milk ? my email address . thanks alot
  15. S

    USDA Ends National Animal ID Program