
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. D

    Sawed off antler nubs with velvet starting to push

    Got buck still with his antler nubs, starting to push velvet. Do you need to worry or will they eventually fall off ???
  2. jerrilee cave

    Governmental push to close all borders

    http://www.indystar.com/story/news/2014/06/10/lawmakers-call-usda-get-tough-trophy-deer-industry/10290103/ Our argument should be if they are going to close our borders they need to put up a fence between each state! And what about Texas? They have been closed for years and CWD showed up in...
  3. D

    Got the right push so keep pushing!!

    Look the states don't want to have to test a bunch of deer because it is costly.........up until now they let us front the cost.....and then blame the disease on us!! with the Brakkes case this industry has a chance to dig out of this mess!!! thanks to the Brakkes they have opened up a can of...
  4. D

    who thinks we could push for a better venison market?

    This was created for the sole purpose of hearing the majorities opinions on this subject....not for the purpose of fighting or debating. Do we think there is any chance there could be a market for venison some day? what would this do to an already over regulated Industry? is it even worth...