
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. G

    recommendations on vines for fence

    Does anyone have any recommendations on vining plants I can run along the fence? I have one side I would like to screen from the only incoming road to our farm and was hoping to put something on the fence that not only provides screening but also is enjoyed by the deer.
  2. S

    Vet Recommendations

    Vet Recommendations Lumpy Jaw Treatment Hi All I live in SWFL and I have a year and a half old buck that has been bottle-fed and his tame. He has a lump on his jaw under his eye that I strongly believe is fuso - my problem is I can't get a vet out to my area that will prescribe Draxxin...
  3. T

    ACA Council Reviews Negative Articles, Comment Period Procedure, Border Closings, Iowa Legal Case & Committee Recommendations

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom   March 5, 2014 18pxACA Council Reviews Comment Period Procedure, Border Closings, Iowa Legal Case & Committee Recommendations AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance Leadership Council met earlier this week to organize efforts for the Federal...
  4. V

    Grain/pellet recommendations for fawns

    Any recommendations for a good grain for fawns? Preferably something I can purchase at. Tractor Supply. I believe she's coming up on 3 weeks old. I have Calf Manna pellets for her but she's not having anything to do with them. I have made water and fresh dirt available to her at all times...