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  1. J

    For Sale T.A.W. Herd Reduction Sale

    Take Aim Whitetails herd reduction sale. These doe will be sold individual or package deals are available. Call Jimmy Hall for details 417-312-7386 Located in S.W. MO. 11yrs CWD, next TB & Brucellosis test date is 2/14/20 W-178.... 1/2 sister to Sundowner from his mother W-281.... Grand Canyon...
  2. D

    Dakota Whitetails' herd reduction sale

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales auction: check out Feb 24 and 25 for Dakota Whitetails herd reduction including some of my best does! Sun Dragons full sister, Sunstroke's full sister, Free Agent power doe and more Jim Moses 770-329-4768 Does are located in Ohio Most does are LAI'd...
  3. H

    Swamp Hollow Whitetails Herd Reduction sale

    William Swarey, Swamp Hollow Whitetails will be selling 50 lots in a special herd reduction sale Feb 1, 2013 held in conjunction with the Buckeye Spring Breeder Auction. Swamp Hollow Whitetails has been producing the kind of bucks the past few years that many of us can only dream of. 2 year olds...