
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    wildlife Rehab

    I rehab Wildlife. We always have at least one Fawn who has to suckle on other male fawn genitals, looking for ways to discourage this. I also am looking for information on what you use for pellets for feed. I'm just looking for ideas to help them be the biggest and strongest when we are required...
  2. S

    New to Deer Rehab

    I am a rehabber with an hbc fawn who for all intents and purposes should be euthanized but if not for her beautiful personality and wicked drive to live. I would normally agree but my gut says I have to keep trying. She eats like a horse and tries to walk but can't. She may have other...
  3. T

    Smelly gray diarrhea spreading in rehab fawns

    Hello all! I’m new here but came because a good friend of mine who also rehabs fawns in Texas was getting good feedback. We deal with just about everything you can deal with but are always learning and improving. I have a 4 week old fawn that is dying. Started off refusing bottles and is...
  4. A

    Rehab fawn with serious skin issues

    Hello,   I am a Wildlife Rehabber and I have never seen anything like this. Hoping someone can help.   Fawn History:   Intake: last night around 7 pm   Was Caught in flood waters. Found washed against a fence covered in washed up brush etc. Had to cut her out of the wire. Minimal...
  5. R

    help needed on rehab

    I have no idea if this is the place to ask but here goes anyway. I am a wildlife rehabilitater, I have a yearling buck that is too imprinted to people to release into the wild. He would run right up to a hunter. This is not the way I like to rehabilitate but he was so sick when I got him I had...