
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. D

    Remember this day forever

    Just wanted to ask/remind everyone that today is 911 and ask you to take a moment to pray for all the people that lost a father mother brother any family member 12 years ago today when AMERICA was attacked and to keep the people that are fighting to make sure it doesn't happen again in your...
  2. D

    Remember our troops

    Please take the time to read this and remember every thing that is possible because of our troops Thanks and GOD Bless Letter from an airline pilot: He writes: My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We have an H.R. On this flight." (H.R. Stands for human remains.) "Are they...
  3. N

    Happy New Year! No matter what, remember we all succeeded!

    I just thought I'd share my view...whether you achieved your goals, stumbled in your pursuit or "learned a lesson", if you are reading this - your are blessed! My dad always used to tell me " if time or money can fix it, it's not a problem". As I get older and my family grows (and shrinks), I...
  4. S

    Remember this photo?

    Last summer I posted this photo, today she was slaughtered. Over a year later and she still carried a jaw full of cud. Check out these new pictures. The first photo of her teeth is the normal side, she has 6 teeth on top and 6 on bottom, the last two are from the side she kept her cud in, she...
  5. S

    Torn hide bone showing, remember Reed 68?

    This is not near as bad as Reed's buck fawn toren hide, two people I talked to seem to think this can go untreated as long as no infection sets. I feel the same, any other opinions? She can lick it easily. Thanks Jeff