
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. toddhoeffel

    Looking for a fresh dead deer for research

    There is a guy named Jordan Rhodes down by Bloomington Indiana, looking for a fresh, dead deer to do some animal research with.   He needs one by Friday 4-15-16.   If you're close by, and can help give him a call. 818-274-8506.
  2. SJames

    Help with some research

    The Conservation Federation of Missouri has recently ramped up their legislative activity. I have a feeling their structure does not allow it. Is there a way to look up their structure and if they are violating the tax laws regarding a not for profit how does one go about reporting it?
  3. R

    Iowa Deer Help with Human Research CJD, Alzheimer's & Parkinson's

    Working to help others, even those who bash us and smear us in the media.
  4. R

    Research in Iowa

    19872:IMG_7071 We completed the depopulation of our herd this week. Research samples were taken on 356 of our animals thanks to Drs. Tracy Nicholas (USDA) and Nicholas Haley (Kansas). Hoping some knowledge about CWD will be gained from the efforts of many people, some that I may not even be...
  5. jerrilee cave

    new PSU research on cwd
  6. T

    CWD Live Test Research Project

    From the American Cervid Alliance News Room December 18, 2013 18pxACA CWD Live Test Research Project With the recent CWD positive animal found in a Wisconsin hunting ranch, we all are realizing the importance of a live CWD test.  With a live CWD test, CWD will no longer be a disease that...
  7. S

    I was doing some research......

    I know someone has seen this, but I couldnt find it on the forums. Chronic Wasting Disease National Program for Farmed and Captive Cervids Update Patrice N. Klein; National Center for Animal Health Programs, USDA-APHIS-VS In FY2010, APHIS received approximately $16.8 million in appropriated...
  8. Russell

    TB Blood Test Research Update

    TB Blood Test Research Funded by Cervid Industry in 2009 The Cervid Livestock Foundation, along with several other state and national associations, funded another TB blood test research project in 2009. In 2008, the Elk Research Foundation and the Cervid Livestock Foundation granted $25,000...
  9. T

    Isotope research project- You can help

    The National Wildlife Research Center of USDA is conducting an isotope research project with the hopes of assigning distinctive isotope signatures to specific locals or geographic regions. The research is valuable for several reasons; it could help trace the origins of cervids moved for commerce...
  10. Russell

    TDA funds deer disease research

    Serving as proud stewards of Texas deer, the Texas Deer Association (TDA) board of directors has approved a $50,000 research funding gift to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University. The approved funding is a big step forward for deer disease research and will assist the...