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  1. T

    Opponents of Deer Farming, Private Property Rights in Missouri Legislature Lose Re-elections

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom     18pxOpponents of Deer Farming, Private Property Rights in Missouri Legislature Lose Re-elections JEFFERSON CITY- After a much anticipated election night in Missouri and across the United States, the Missouri Deer Association is celebrating the...
  2. WillPenn Whitetails

    Florida Semen rights for Texas Tea sold to Galaxy Whitetail Solutions!

    Want to say a big THANK YOU to Galaxy Whitetail Solutions for purchasing Florida semen rights on Texas Tea for 2013 and 2014! Can't wait to see what you put on the ground down there!!!
  3. clay

    Texas Timber Semen Rights

    A BIG thanks Lee Kusak of MossyBack Ranch in Cameron Texas for purchasing Texas Timber 2013 Texas semen rights. If anyone is interested in using Texas Timber for the upcoming breeding season in Texas please contact Lee his number is 361-772-1184 email: [email protected] If anyone is...
  4. T

    Thanks to David and Firman Yoder for selling us INTREPRETER'S Semen rights

    We (Dean Borntrager of Sundance Whitetails and Rich Meech of Trappers Creek Whitetails) would like to thank David and Firman Yoder of Hillside Pines Whitetails for selling us the 2012 semen rights to INTERPRETER as well as the 1st right of refusal for the years to follow. Semen will be limited...
  5. WillPenn Whitetails

    Alabama semen rights for Texas Tea goes to David Ragon Triple R Whitetails

    We are very excited to have partnered with such great folks down in Alabama. Triple R Whitetails is a first class operation with first class owners. They will own the semen rights for Texas Tea in Alabama for the 2012 breeding season, and also have the right of first refusal for 2013...
  6. B

    Those who share the rights to a buck...

    I've noticed on alot of websites, that "this buck is co-owned with _______". I'm just wondering the deals that are made in which case this happens, and how profits from offspring & semen, and expenses for the buck's living are split usually....
  7. M

    Second amendment rights taken literally!!

    Yes this is corny but I got a chuckle out of it so of course I share !
  8. D

    november 15 deer season braggin rights

    6497:DSCF0830.Nice big 8 point at 9:30 am. , wish I new how to tap that guy.but its to late now. I know where is the pictures. I will try.
  9. 2

    50 % semen rights for 2010 on Intimidator

    Hello everyone, I hope all has gone well this season for each and every one. I am writing in to inform anyone interested that I have put up a fantastic consignment on Whitetail Exchange. Intimidator is a yearling son out of Tonto/Maggy(Magnus' dam) with an incredible look . He is...
  10. WillPenn Whitetails

    Texas semen rights for Texas Tea goes to Henry Woodard of Woodard Whitetails!

    We are very pleased to announce that we have partnered with Woodard Whitetails for the semen rights of Texas Tea in Texas this year. Henry Woodard has been raising exceptional deer in Texas for years, and we are humbled by his decision to not only purchase semen rights in Texas, but also to...
  11. Russell

    ND hunting rights under attack

    North Dakota sportsmen’s liberties are under attack. A group calling itself ‘North Dakota Hunters for Fair Chase’ is circulating petitions to place an anti-hunting initiative on the 2010 General Election ballot. This misleading effort is anti-freedom and anti-private property rights, and ADWA...