
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. A

    Robbie Peterson, Fawn Country Inc. And The Gift

    Just wanted to thank Robbie and Brad Peterson and Maggie Saia from Fawn Country Inc. Last week we had the gift of Fawn Country spending a week consulting Apple Creek Whitetails on bottle feeding. The learning that took place will save countless future fawns throughout the deer industry. The...
  2. richie0033

    DC or Robbie?

    Anyone heard from Dc or Robbie?
  3. R

    Robbie needs your support!

    Friends - I have decided to take on a new challenge, and I need your support. I have entered the Mrs. Texas International pageant, coming up on March 13th in San Antonio. I currently hold the title of Mrs. Waller County, and I compete against 27 other women to become Mrs. Texas next month...
  4. Rick


    Robbie, Just wanted to say thank you to you and your crew for the time spent with me this week, you guys are obviously are a step above when it comes to raising and knowing the needs of your individual fawns I learned some things from you and hope someday I can return the favor Rick
  5. A

    Robbie Peterson, Fawn Country Inc. and the Gift

    Just wanted to thank Robbie and Brad Peterson and Maggie Saia from Fawn Country Inc. Last week we had the gift of Fawn Country spending a week consulting Apple Creek Whitetails on bottle feeding. The learning that took place will save countless future fawns throughout the deer industry. The...