
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    What are the rules on buying deer for bettering genetics

    I know this might be an obvious question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. Can someone buy deer from a Pennsylvania Farm just to better their genetics on their non high fenced hunting grounds? Or to buy deer do you need some kind of permit and need a high fence area?
  2. M

    Fencing requirements

    Can anyone help me? Iv been trying to find out if there is a minimum required acerage to fence deer in alabama? Ang input would be great thanks
  3. T

    Missouri Deer Owners Win Preliminary Legal Challenge Against Restrictive New State Rules

    Missouri Deer Owners Win Preliminary Legal Challenge Against Restrictive New State Rules (Aug. 13, 2015) – A Missouri state court has entered a ruling blocking enforcement of new state regulations that threaten the existence of the state’s growing farmed-deer industry by preventing the...
  4. T

    Iowa Judge Rules against IDALS Motion to Consolidate Brakke Cases

    From American Cervid Alliance Newspage Iowa Judge Rules against IDALS Motion to Consolidate Brakke Cases Iowa Assistant Attorney General to Inquire Constitutionality of CWD Standards Rationale Today, July 23, 2013, the Iowa Administrative Legal Judge ruled against a motion request by the...
  5. K

    Federal rules

    Can anyone give me the benefits of being regulated by the Federal Government? If we have the opportunity to scrap the federal rules why do we keep them? Why do we want to be in business with someone trying to regulate us out of business? If they don't then why do we spend two years offering...
  6. S

    Obama’s Outrageous DOL Rules Will Restrict Minors From Working on Family Farms – Kill

    Has anyone read this article on how the government would like to take away the rights of minors working on family farms? Interesting read. What are your thoughts on this...
  7. T

    Cwd rules for indiana - should we change?

    We have been attending several auctions where it seems other states other then ours are able to purchase deer from states that have had CWD found as long as they have a 5 year CWD status & it is at least 25 miles away from where it was found. Ok INDIANA deer farmers is this something we...
  8. A

    Blackwood Rules TWRA Was Guilty Of "Judge Shopping," But Does Not Dismiss Case

    Blackwood Rules TWRA Was Guilty Of "Judge Shopping," But Does Not Dismiss Case posted January 7, 2010 Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood, after a day-long hearing on Thursday found that the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency was guilty of "judge shopping," but he stopped short of dismissing a...
  9. B

    Oklahoma Import Rules

    I have not brought any deer in to Oklahoma since the Ag department took over. I was looking at the info in the Ag website and it looks to me like the rules are tougher now. The way the Wildlife Department worded the CWD status requirement, the breeder had to have a 5 year status to import deer...
  10. A

    Court Rules Law Banning Deer, Elk Unconstitutional

    Court Rules Law Banning Deer, Elk Unconstitutional The Kentucky Court of Appeals recently ruled the state’s law banning the importation of deer and elk to prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease in local herds was unconstitutionally vague. A three-judge panel ruled that Kentucky’s...