
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Bell

    Ryan Sabalow investigative reporter or cherry picker with an agenda?

    What is the definition of investigative reporting? I believe the ACA should get the hired PR firm to expose Ryan for cherry picking the interviews he did with farms and professionals involved with our industry. It is evident from the body of work of Ryan in the Star article and what he has said...
  2. jerrilee cave

    Ted Nugent weighs in on Ryan Sabalow's opinionated deer farming/preserve expose

    http://www.outdoorchannel.com/article.aspx?id=22835&articletype=article&key=nugent-takes-py-to-task&p=wc The Pope & Young Club released it official position statement this week on fair chase and canned hunting, condemning such practices. We asked Ted Nugent of Spirit of the Wild questions...
  3. IndependenceRanch

    Congressman Paul Ryan

    * Congressman Paul Ryan, Republican from Wisconsin, is to be Mitt Romney's running mate for the next Vice President of The United States. What are we to think of this selection?* He's not a graduate of Columbia University.* He's not a graduate of Harvard.* He wasn't selected as the President...