
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Whitetail Sanctuary Selling Out

    I'v decided it's time to move on from the Deer Business after 15 yrs 22 Bucks For Sale 2 Breeder Bucks Rawhide and Twisted Tea 3 3yr old Bucks 7 2yr old Bucks 10 yearling Bucks   16 Adult Does 4 yearling Does Genetics include..........Texas Tea, Maxin PC, Cowboy, Sundowner, Lil...
  2. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Whitetail Sanctuary Introduces....TWISTED TEA

    Here is a picture of a yearling we have our eye on! We call him TWISTED TEA and we believe he has the breeding to be pretty special to us in the future of our program and were we are headed. Twisted Tea is Texas Tea/Rolex/BW Sunny/Eagle.....That Eagle doe as the anchor is the dam to Jacob Glicks...
  3. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Whitetail Sanctuary Introduces RAWHIDE!

    We are extremely happy to introduce our new herd sire......RAWHIDE! RAWHIDE carries a 6x7 frame scored 267" last year and is estimated @ 280" 6x7 and 30" Beams RAWHIDE is a Peacock Jr./Maxbo Ranger/Flees Green 36/Heavy Y-10 Dolly Rawhide brings together two of the most sought after...
  4. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Whitetail Sanctuary Fawn Pens

    With fawn season fast approaching and alot of ? on it. I thought we would show you some photos of ours.;)stalls are 3'x5' and open into 3'x12' runs then we let them out into the pens.
  5. IndependenceRanch

    Whitetail Sanctuary

    Wayne, I threw this together in about 30 minutes time. It wouldn't have taken so long but I had to do the "cutout" of Maxin Eagle and reference your website for information. It isn't anything fancy or very colorful, but your website looks like you like the sharp dark and light contrast colors...
  6. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Whitetail Sanctuary Web Site What Do You Think ?

    We started working on our :) new web site and are very excited about it.We will be under consruction still on a few tabs but the bulk of it done. With the continued help and patience of Dave Wood over @ Locust Creek Whitetails we will up and running full tilt real soon! So check in often. Thanks...