
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Martin's Deer Products

    Shade Cloth & Clip-It Price Increase coming soon, get it now to save

    24pxI just received an email from my Shade Cloth Manufacturer & Clip-It Manufacturer informing me of a price increase starting 9/1/15. If you need Shade Cloth and Clip-Its now is the time to purchase because they are going up with any orders sent to me after 12 noon on 8/31/15. See below the...
  2. Martin's Deer Products

    REDUCED for quick sale, 2 weeks remaining to save

    Updated 6/20/15 FOR SALE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!! Call us at (717) 507-6385 to place your order and save while you can. Streamline will officially close 7/2/15 which will be the last chance to buy at these reduced prices. 10 - Small Masks - $20.00 ($15.00) 4 - Large Masks - $20.00 ($15.00)...
  3. M

    Found a Way to save some money

    First off I'm not spamming or selling anything. My wife and I are what some might call cheap or a minimalist. We can't stand bills that you can't just pay off and own ie cell phones cable internet etc.... We have found a way to save a decent amount of money from our monthly gas and electric...
  4. D

    Monster bucks sink us? Or save us?

    I have heard every different angle and many make sense? I just don,t want US to end up like a lot of these other industries that no longer exist! I am not looking for a long drawn out debate...we all know that they get us no where from many of the past threads!nI truly am concerned about the...
  5. M

    Fisherman save deer from icy water (Very interesting)

    Here is a recent story about four sitka deer getting rescued by fisherman.