
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. R

    SCI Needs Your Help

    Just received a phone call from SCI asking for donations to help them "fight the overreaching US Government in their lawsuit to stop the ban on sport-hunted elephant importations by US Fish and Wildlife." If you wish to make a donation on behalf of hunters and conservationists, SCI requests...
  2. J

    Perfect timing for some more bad press, Support SCI

    This was passed along to me earlier today thought I would share. ON the B&C website. The last paragraph really drives home a few points that we as an industry make over and over.   Game Farm, CWD Concerns Rise at Boone and Crockett Club Friday, March 28, 2014 Concerned about captive deer...
  3. WillPenn Whitetails

    Where is SCI in regards to our CWD fight?

    This is a serious question that I've been thinking of, but I do NOT want this thread to turn into a drama laced b!tch session. I'm not sure this is the best forum to discuss this, but I thought it would be the quickest way to generate feedback from numerous farmers across the country. I...
  4. A

    It's Official!!! - Bustin Loose 608 5/8" OFFICIAL SCI

    The SCI Master Scorer's Team from Reno, NV just finished their official score of Bustin Loose after waiting the required 60 day drying period and the results are in... Bustin Loose 608 5/8" Official SCI If any of you are interested in semen for your breeding plan this year out of Bustin...
  5. L

    Hydro Broad-Axe Officially Scored SCI

    335 5/8" SCI! 25 4/8" IS Spread 35" OS Spread 55 3/8" of Mass 11" and 9 4/8" Brow Tines One circumference was 13" (not used in scoring) 19 lbs of antler
  6. L

    Laredo - World Record SCI Typical Kill

    To the best of my knowledge, Laredo...Grandson of Ervin Whitetails Larry is the world record SCI typical kill. Ervin Whitetails Larry is also the Grandfather of Rambo, the world record typical using the B&C scoring method. For more information & photos, please see my website at...
  7. A

    Chad DeBauch Becomes SCI Master Scorer

    Congratulations Chad DeBauch, Apple Creek Whitetails operations manager of 15 years passed his test today in Reno to become a SCI Master Scorer. In addition to overseeing Apple Creeks breeding and hunting Program Chad has wonderful wife and 3 children. I am very proud of Chads professional...
  8. H

    Cervid Congress, WOO Sale, Farm Tours, SCI Seminar!

    Announcement reminder!!!