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  1. A

    Smart Phone Scope Mount: Coming Soon!

    georgia, serif 24pxSmart Phone Scope Mount for Dart Gun applications will soon be available on ff8c00Whitetail Exchange for ff8c00$100.     georgia, serif 24pxContact Wanda Burden at: georgia, serif [email protected] georgia, serif 24pxOr Call georgia, serif...
  2. E

    ACA Scope of Mission

    Current Issues Impacting the Cervid Industry The leadership council of the American Cervid Alliance is charged with reviewing industry issues, examine options and executing solutions. The advantage of this council connecting with three dozen associations multiplies the number of total...
  3. C

    Scope for X-Caliber

    Anyone have any recomendations for a good night vision scope or night system set-up for the X-caliber? We normally dart right before sun-up or right after sun down.