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  1. B

    Sedating buck

    We sedated our 3yo buck on Saturday mid day with Xylazine/Telazol mix. We have sedated him before with no ill effects. He went out and came to as normal however now it is Thursday evening and he is still having balance issues. Any advice?
  2. C

    Sedating a buck fawn

    Can I knock down a 8 month old buck with just 100mg strenght Xylazine, without the telozol just to give him a couple shots? what would be the amount you would use, he weigh about 90 lbs.
  3. W


    New to raising deer an am trying to decide on a sedating drug but only having 5 deer at this time would really like something with a long shelf life. I have read some good things about bam but no mention of shelf life after mixing. Any recomendations would help
  4. I


    When sedating How long can a Deer be out? Thanks
  5. D

    Sedating a Fawn???

    I've got a 2 month old fawn with a massive lump under it's ear and above the eye. I know it's infected and we've caught him twice to administer antibiotics. But I know we need to drain looks horrible. What drug do you guys use to knock down a fawn and how much? The skin is already...
  6. K

    What antibiotic do I administer when sedating deer?

    I have been using 6 cc on NuFloor. I want to start using Tetracycline instead. Any opinions? I think it will be just as effective and costs much less. I will be using on "healthy" deer. Thanks Karl Keller [email protected].