
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. S

    Wild Whitetail Doe With Severe Mange, How Do I Help?

    I will preface this post by saying that I am not a deer farmer, but my mother and I put a little feed out for the wild ones that come into our yard. Seeing the deer is the highlight of our day and we care very much about them. Long story short, the end of May the following doe in these photos...
  2. M

    Deer losing hair severe!

    Hello all, I just love this site and all of you that have experiance and knowledge to share to us that don't. About a week ago we noticed that one of our yearling does was starting to lose her hair around her belly area. The day after that we noticed another one had some patches of lost...
  3. J

    Severe Diarrhea

    We have a year old doe with severe diarrhea. She's had it off and on for a couple months, but this weekend it's extremely runny. We backed off on her grain mix a week or so ago and got her some alfalfa/hay mix. She's not crazy about the hay so she hasn't eaten much. She will eat leaves, grass...