
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. SJames

    Payday has shed!

    This year we left the antlers on all of our breeder bucks. Its just more fun!:cool: Payday finally let go of his antlers. I haven't scored them yet but will post here. Everyone needs a PAYDAY! LOL
  2. B

    Antler Shed 2015

    I would like to know if anyone has seen this before?! This is a picture of a 2 yr olds shed,  when he was a yearling I cut his antlers. He then rubbed the hide off the top of his head. This year at 2 when he shed his antlers were attached at the base. My question is, will he continue to shed...
  3. toddhoeffel

    Yearling buck shed or broke one side?

    I had a fellow deer farmer call me and ask if I'd ever had a buck SHED an antler already. I said no, other than some have broken them off.   Have any of you seen this? The yearling just started to shed his velvet, and boom.....the next day, one side is off and laying on the ground. Looking...
  4. S

    Its shed season, show em off

    These are all free range deer. I dont get a chance to look much, but here is my haul so far. some are from last year. My dogs first ever find. Just over a year old and trained her to pick them up. Just hanging out.
  5. S

    Shed antler stink

    How does one get the stink from the base of a shed antler that had infection. Jeff
  6. C

    Will a buck shed?

    If a buck was injured,sick, or stressed how often will he shed early. If at all early? Kind of a broad question sorry!
  7. C

    Breeder buck shed

    I have a question my big buck shed both sides yesterday. He didn't shed intel march 17 last year. When I picked up his sheds they smelled like fish or something of that nature. Very smelly. And I'm not sure he feels good. Could it be the cold ? it's around 10 degrees out. Has anyone seen...
  8. T

    doe that has not shed

    just got two buck fawns,one weighted 4lb 15 oz, the other 4lb 8 oz, along with a mummified fetus. i pulled both to bottle feed as it is raining and cold here in nc Kansas. the other reason being, this doe had a hard time adjusting to my place,i received her the 2nd of april and thought i was...
  9. B

    Buck still has not shed!

    Hello everyone, Today is April 21st and we have a 3 year old that still has not shed his horns. He is not cut, and is very healthy. All our other bucks have shed and are growing out nicely. Any cause for concern or is this natural?
  10. A

    Help me with a buck who hasn't shed yet

    So I have a 3 year old buck that hasn't dropped his antlers yet. He's a little tough to dart so I haven't done it yet, but sometime between now and the weekend I feel I should do something. If I get him down and find that he's got some new velvet around his bases, what should the procedure be...
  11. T

    Looking to buy shed antlers

    Hello, I'm interested in purchasing shed antlers, I use them personally for crafting antler products. I'm willing to pay a fair price, so if you have any please let me know. I would also be willing to trade antler chandeliers/lamps for your sheds. thanks,
  12. Wicked Whitetails

    Bucks That Never Shed

    Just got done looking on a hunting forum and guys were talkin about bucks that had something wrong with one or both testicles never rubbing out or shedding but continuing growing each year and never coming out of velvet. I found this to be quite far fetched but i guess i dont know everything and...
  13. I

    late antler shed

    Today, my white buck finally shed his antlers! does anyone else have bucks running around with their racks yet or does Whitey win the prize? Is this a normal thing for white deer? He even runs slow!!