
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. F

    Fawn leaning and falling to left side

    Have a very sick fawn that had maggots and dead tissue in bottom jaw. But it is also leaning and falling to its left side. Think this is an ear infection or has to do with the infection in jaw?
  2. toddhoeffel

    Yearling buck shed or broke one side?

    I had a fellow deer farmer call me and ask if I'd ever had a buck SHED an antler already. I said no, other than some have broken them off.   Have any of you seen this? The yearling just started to shed his velvet, and boom.....the next day, one side is off and laying on the ground. Looking...
  3. R

    Knot on side of neck

    Hi everyone, I have a 5 month old fawn ( doe) I noticed a knot on the side of her neck. Been watching it for about 2 weeks. Tried searching the older posts, can up empty. It has gone down almost gone, but is now a little bigger. Really scratch and rubbed it. Did not feel an open spot like a bite...
  4. C

    Returning State side

    Well it looks like our time in Germany is almost over and my wife's next duty assignment is most likely going to be Maxwell AFB near Montgomery AL. Any one from AL if you have any info about the area such as jobs, schools, hunting or fishing I would greatly appreciate any info. I am excited to...
  5. K

    Hardcore Extreme @ 2 damaged left side

    Hardcore/Climax mother
  6. South Alabama Whitetails

    Growth on Side

    I have a one year old buck with a growth right behind his shoulder. It looks like a wart about as big around as a quarter and sticks out about an inch. Is this something to be concerned about? It does not appear to bother him.
  7. ToddM

    Think the other side will catch up

    This buck started real early on the right side. Do you think the left will catch up?