
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    Sika Deer farms

    Is there any Sika Deer farms that can extract urine from their herd? Please get in touch with me Charlie at 302-345-7463
  2. G

    Louisiana: Fallow, Sika and Pere David (aka Milu) up for discussion - all ages

    Hi guys, we are new to this page so introducing ourselves and letting you know what we have. We are a 900 acre safari park in southern Louisiana called Global Wildlife Center. We have 5 species of deer, 5 species of antelope, zebras/donkeys, camels, llamas, alpacas, giraffes, rhea birds, watusi...
  3. 8

    Fallow, Sika or Axis deer

    Hello all. In search of fallow, Sika or Axis deer in the CWD programs. Know of any?
  4. Q

    Sika AI

    Hello everyone. Looking for some information, and or advise on AI for Sika deer. Has anyone here done this ? Or does anyone here know of a Vet or biologist whom I could contact that might lead me the right direction for information. Any info is greatly appreciated. I live in a State that does...
  5. Q

    Starter Sika deer farm on 5 acres

    Hey guys! Looking to start a small Sika deer operation on 5 acres. We bought a home that had been setup for cattle and now are in the process of getting setup for deer. We would like to keep it small sell a few to ranches, but mostly sell the venison of these little gems. More of a love for...
  6. G

    Values for Sika deer

    I need the same thing as the last thread but for sika. Trophy buck 1-3 tr buck 1-3 yr doe mature doe fawns What are the going rates these days? Got any ideas Scott? Thanks, Bob
  7. M

    Sika deer

    I have a buddy looking for a new breeder buck. He wants one from the Russia sub species. Not sure if its the same as the Debousky. Anyone know of any one who breeds these?
  8. R

    question on bottle feeding sika fawns

    Hi all I have decided to try to bottle feed a sika doe fawn I pulled her yesterday when she was a day old, I have bottle fed whitetail before and fallow, but this girl befuzzles me, it has been 26 hours since I pulled her and she still in not wanting a bottle, I usually have a better response...