
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. ToddM

    Whitetail Exchange Announces Premier Sire Program

    20ptWhitetail Exchange Announces Premier Sire Program Whitetail Exchange is proud to announce the Premier Sire Section on the auction site.  This new section is specifically designed for some of the top sires in our industry.  These bucks may be historical proven producers or the newest and...
  2. La. Bone Collector

    Which sire would you breed with?

    I'm wanting input about a choice sire for my doe? She is a full sister to Edwin Ropp's Sunriser 350"+ @ 4yr. (Sundowner x Goliath/Mary W-75). I own her mom as well. Sire choices are but not limited too: Bw Sunny ,Sunny Jr.,Grand Canyon. What's your thoughts?- Jason
  3. richie0033

    Dream Ranch Sire's

    I would like to see some of Will's bucks. Just to let out a little info, and I hope he doesn't get mad. But I know he has a new buck that is huge!! Absolutely beautiful .. Maybe he will tell you more. I wish I could ,, but I will tell you that this buck is Hot!!!! Huge pedigree with an awesome...
  4. M

    2 WIDE The Great Texas Sire Passes Away!

    It is with great loss that venado creek whitetails and star s ranch announce the passing of the great buck "2wide" 2wide succumbed to a bacterial infection in the small intestine on november 12, 2010. He fought off this illness for four hard days - walking inside the pushroom in the...
  5. K

    Our new Sire!!

    We just partnered up with Winter Whitetails on Blackfoot a 290"+ 3 year old Tonto son. He has over 56" of mass and 13"+ G2's. Blackfoots dam Green 63 and her dam Peggy Orange 13 have produced huge breeders like Tonto, Kemosabe, Barney and Frosty to name a few. That makes him double Peggy line...
  6. M

    What is the most bred with sire in 2010!

    I thought this would be a good topic as the breeding season is upon us! Who do you think is the most bred sire of 2010.