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  1. Avanti

    Sneezing yearling buck

    Noticed that the past couple of days one of my yealing bucks has been doing alot of sneezing, any advise would be appriecited , and still has not completely shed coat the rest of heard has already shed coat???
  2. D

    Sneezing does

    I have a couple yearling does that have been sneezing for about a month now. Discharge from their nose as they sneeze is clear. They are eating well. No weight loss. No lethargy. Just plain old sneezing. They are not preg. Deer have a resiratory system, hence I am thinking they have some sort of...
  3. J


    I have a buck fawn that is sneezing and really itching his nose alot the last few days. Doesn't have me overly worried as he is still eating fine, but being new to all this is this cause for concern?
  4. V

    Need Advise On A Yearling Doe sneezing

    I got a yearling doe that sounds like she is sneezing now and then for the last 2 days and when she is browsing she kinda sniffs with her nose. Almost like a person with a stuffy nose. I don't know what is causing her to do this, the other doe she is with doesn't have these symptoms. Besides...