
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. D

    Does any have pics of Hardwood sons?

    Does anyone have pictures of their Hardwood sons they wouldn’t mind posting?
  2. S

    First generation sons out of Sun Dragon

    I just bought 2 first generation sons of Sun Dragon. Yes first generation sons not third or fourth. Their mom was from Fear Factor. They are two years old. I also have a three year old and three yearlings that genetics come from Rolex, X-factor, and Fear Factor. I never planned on being a...
  3. R&J Whitetails

    Does anyone have pictures of pretty boy Floyd sons??

    So I've used a pretty boy Floyd son as a cover buck for 2 yrs now and have yet to see other pretty boy Floyd sons pictures. Who has some?? Can you post them please. Thank you
  4. B

    Gold Dust sons?

    Anyone have any pics or know how he's produced? Thanks in advance!
  5. D

    Marty Graw and Sons semen

    Looking for Marty Graw and or His son's semen. 
  6. IndependenceRanch

    TX Tea sons

    Here are two pedigrees of Texas Tea sons we have. They are turning 2 this spring. If your looking for a breeder buck this might be what your wanting. 22923:image.jpeg] 22924:image.jpeg]
  7. A

    Big Stitch sons

    Wanna see some Big Stitch sons if anyone has some pictures
  8. P

    Sons of Winter

    Do not forget to watch "Sons of Winter" tonite on the Discovery channel!
  9. P

    Sons of Winter

    Do not forget to watch "Sons of Winter" on Discovery channel tonite!
  10. C

    Rolex pictures and sons

    If anyone have pictures of Rolex or sons of Rolex could you please post them. Thanks
  11. W

    Who all has Lil Bear Sons? Here are a few

    24pxPictures of Lil Bear   24pxDoes anybody else have good looking Lil Bear sons???       24px20293:ResizedImage_1409248497824.   24px20294:ResizedImage_1410791849969.    
  12. I

    Picture of Arty sons needed

    Hi everyone, I need you help. I am going to put a poster of Arty sons together for the Top-30. I want to include as many pictures as possible. I know there are some real beauty out there beside what i have here at home. Either post them here or e-mail them to me at [email protected]  come on...
  13. C

    Sons from Rolex does

    If anyone would like their bucks advertised, I'm looking to build an ad featuring sons from Rolex does. I have some pics, but know there are many more out there. Send pics to [email protected].
  14. WillPenn Whitetails

    Texas Tea 2 year old sons video

    Here is the link to our new video that shows just some of the Texas Tea 2 year old sons from this year. special thanks to Jeremiah Morton for doing an amazing job on our video!!! Also a big congratulations to all of the owners of these awesome 2 year olds! Let...
  15. W

    Sudden explosion sons

    Yearlings and SE II and SE III
  16. D

    X Factor sons

    After seeing the incredible X Factor yearling,Strike Force, I was wondering how many other big sons are out there, there has to be several big 2 and 3 yt olds
  17. richie0033

    Big Rig Sons??

    Wanting to see who all has some big rig sons..The ones that I have seen are very nice.It looks as if he is going to be a huge producer!! I have a yearling t hat is about 18" wide and is a 7x5 so far..He is a little behind but I will get a pic..
  18. W

    Eastern ace sons??

    I had triplet buck fawns out of eastern ace and I am looking at possibly selling one of them. Anyway dose anyone have any pics of some eastern ace sons they would be willing to share. Thanks
  19. Gehringer Deer Ranch

    Redoy Weatherby Sons

    Anyone have any pictures of Redoy Weatherby Sons. Also, anyone know if Weatherby is still alive and what he looked like last year if he was alive?
  20. richie0033

    Sudden Impact sons?

    Would like to see some of his sons.. Semen is high ..would like to know if its worth it.. Dont remember seeing a lot of big sons