
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    3 month old buck, spot on ear?

    I have a 3 month old buck who is healthy as a horse! I noticed a round elevated spot about the size of a dime on his ear. I attatched a photo, Also i have a 2 1/2 month old doe fawn that has a raised sore spot on her hind leg that is sore to touch, it has a circle around it. I attatched a...
  2. F

    bald spot

    Two days ago I noticed 2, quarter size, areas on my fawns back about an inch from the base of his tail where his fur was falling out but also the skin was flaking off with it, I could see what the flakes of skin on the fur as I was very easy able to slightly pull on the fur and it would come...
  3. P

    spot on yearling bucks jaw. cant figure it out. any help?

    randomly got this spot on his jaw that looks like a mole. started with one but now has two. vet doesnt know what it is either. any guesses?
  4. B

    Dark circular spot on lower jaw

    Any idea what this is and how to treat it if treatment is necessary? Never saw a bulge...just the dark spot...haven't been able to get close enough to examine if it's raw, scabbed, etc. I'm thinking maybe ringworm or something, but they were wormed not long ago... Sorry for the terrible...
  5. Wicked Whitetails

    Spot on my does back

    My doe developed this thing on her back about 2 weeks ago. It started out small and I just thought it was a tick on her that was swelling up from sucking blood. But it never went away. It got bigger but now for the last several days it hasnt changed in size. I have no idea what it could be. My...