
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Jack

    Elk caves started in montana

    Elk calves birthed in Montana We had two calves yesterday one out of a Boa son and one out of Silvertine. We did a little inbreeding on the Silvertine. We had a Silvertine daughter and AI'd her back to her sire Silvertine. The calf was a female and we will use a nice outcross when she is old...
  2. M

    Getting started

    We are in the process of starting a very small operation, and I'm trying to get a plan together before we jump in and start buying deer.  We are building our pens this winter and plan on buying our first few deer this spring.  My question or thoughts are what to do on year #2.  Starting off, we...
  3. R

    further help getting started

    THAANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO POSTS HERE!! PRIOR TO FINDING THIS SIGHT I WAS LOSING INTEREST IN TRYING TO RAISE DEER!! I have a lot of questions still remaining but i just wanted to thank all of you....
  4. K

    Advice for getting started in Alabama

    Hey guys I live in Oneonta, Alabama and would like to get into deer farming on somewhat of a small scale. I think I'd like to start with maybe 3-5 does. Does that seem like a reasonble number to ya'll? I've done a lot of reading and learned a lot but all and all I don't really know too much...
  5. A

    How did you get started whitetail farming?

    Hey guys! I've always been intrigued by the stories of how and why farmers got started in the whitetail industry. If you could jot your experience down I would love to read it and I'm sure others would too! I'll get the ball rolling here. 25 years ago when my dad, an avid hunter, bought 15...
  6. A

    Getting started

    i am just getting started. My herd now is 0! i am wanting to start out with a couple bred does or young does and a young buck. i cant afford much what are my best options? And any information on getting started would be much appreciated. thank you, Aaron.
  7. F

    Trying to get started

    I'am located in Southeast Texas and considering starting a deer breeding buisiness. There is a peice of property that is 21 acres that I may purchase. I plan on starting small and expanding. Would ten acres be sufficient to start a deer farm?
  8. Z

    Getting Started

    Hi all! I'm investigating setting up a deer farm on my 21 acres in Western NY State. Aside from this interesting looking forum, are there any reference books or other websites where I could get needed information? Of course I also need to know about permits and fence heights etc NEEDED in...
  9. D

    I want to get started

    need my first few does. Any ideas where I can get some. I would surly appreciate your ideas. thanks Ken
  10. I

    Just Started

    Website Thanks Mike
  11. T

    I need help getting started with deer farming

    I am from central PA and i would like to get into whitetail deer farming. I have tried to do alot of reseach talk to farmers ect.. but still have lots of questions. First of all I am looking for some land to buy for this farm and to build a house on for my wife and I. I want to make a living out...
  12. T

    Getting Started

    Hello everyone, I am new here and have been tossing the idea of deer farming around for some time now. I have tons of questions and would love to pick some of you guru's brains for a bit:D Please pm me! Thanks, Ted
  13. ToddM

    Do you know why Da Buck Channel was started?

    About two months ago, Apple Creek Whitetails Started a free sight for all deer farmers to post videos of their deer. Deer farmers all across the country can post video of their deer and others can tune in and check out what bucks are hot each year. Why did they do this? To be honest why...
  14. D

    Getting them started you do it??

    I've started quite a few fawns on the bottle but it never seems to get any easier........I got a few that are fighting me tooth and nail...........I use pritchard nipples...I stimulate them (the best that I can when their fighting me) Trust me they may think they won the battle but I always win...