
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Wicked Whitetails

    Semen storage. Where is best?

    I am starting to collect straws of semen to use next year and I'm looking to see where is best to have it stored. Price and service. Keep in mind it will only be maybe a dozen straws. What is everyone's recommendation?
  2. T

    Feed storage question

    Anyone have any suggestions on what I can store my feed in? I feed a bag a day but will be close to two bags a day this fall. I buy by the ton and was storing in the barn, the racoons are fatter than the deer. I've been looking for free/cheap freezer or cooler but no luck. I'm feeding textured...
  3. T

    A.I. storage

    Doe any one have any info on seman storage or maintanance of the storage container, Placing the straws in, etc. JC
  4. B

    Semen Storage

    I am new to AI in Deer. I have Semen tanks, AI equipment and all that, been breeding cattle for over 10 years. I would call and order the semen from a catalog and could get 1 or 50 straws of 200 or 300 bulls all at the same place, then they would ship my order in a shipper, I would pull my...
  5. C

    minnesota semen storage?

    was just wondering if anybody knows where in minnesota you can pay to store semen at. been looking all ove and cant seem to find a place online. thanks chris
  6. J

    Semen storage

    I am looking for a list of "to-do's" or "need to have" to start buying semen. I assume most of you are paying somebody to store semen and then when you are ready to use it you send your tank to them and get it deliver back to you? Long story short is that I want to buy some semen and really have...