I have already one thread with no real help but I have notice something different this morning. You can look at my other thread to see what has been going on with her.
So last night I gave her some gas drops and gave her two or 3 ounces of Pedialyte around 11. I just left her alone for the...
LIL bro is 10 years old, yes, "10 years old" and still sporting a 30 inch inside spread. A little weak on his right side, but at 10, what can we expect! Come on guys, lets see your old bucks that are alive.
I have a 3 day old bottle feed doe fawn that when she pees it stinks really bad. It has gotten worse as the day has gone by. She is now moving very slow and you can tell she is going the wrong direction fast. She has started on the bottle easier than any other fawn has and finished the entire...