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  1. T

    Info on buck called Super bowl

    Does anyone have pictures and pedigree info of a buck out of Indiana called Super Bowl. A friend of mine has two does on my farm out of him and I just wanted a little info on them for my records. Thanks for whatever help you can give.
  2. C

    Super Bowl Sunday!

    Any predictions on today's game??? Go Seahawks !!!
  3. ToddM

    Best Super Bowl Commercial - Dodge

    God made a farmer - Best one of all time!
  4. Freedom Whitetails

    Super Bowl picks

    Who wins it and why? I'm going with sanfransico they have alot better offence
  5. M

    2012 Fall Super Sale Catalog by Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales

    Here is the link to the 2012 Fall Super Sale Conducted by Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales.
  6. Gehringer Deer Ranch

    Super Wide Ranger

    Does anyone have any information or pictures of what Super Wide Ranger looks like this year? We have a Buck fawn out of him and a Bambi Escalade doe that we're very excited about.
  7. M

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall Super Sale!

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall Super Sale will be Sept 26-28th, 2012 in Bloomington, Illinois. We are taking the Top 150 Lots consigned through July 15th. Attached is the consignment form. Please fill it out and have all your consignments in promptly. We will have the catalogs in the mail...
  8. C

    Super Doe on

    Exclusively on! Up for Auction is the 2012 Whitetail Guide Super Doe Magazine Cover. The #1 magazine to sell your 2012 expected fawns, does and to show the entire industry your most proven Super Doe on your farm...
  9. alpha and omega whitetail

    2011 Fall Super Sale Results

    1 - 1800 2 - N/S 3 - N/S 4 - 1100 5 - 1750 6 - 1200 7 - N/S 8 - 2 x 4500 9 - 2000 10 - N/S 11 - 4000 12 - 6500 13 - 2000 14 - N/S 15 - 1100 16 - 2100 17 - 900 18 - N/S 19 - N/S 20 - 5 x 4000 21 - 1500 open (updated) 22 - N/S 23 - N/S 24 - N/S 25 - 1500 28 - 5 x 3250 29...
  10. M

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall Super Sale!

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales FALL SUPER SALE! Sept. 22-24th, 2011 Press Release For Immediate Release Featuring 30 Smokin' Hot Lots on Friday Night at 7:00PM Wilmington, Ohio - Sept 22-24th, 2011 - Here are just a few of the lots offered up for sale! 1...
  11. M

    2011 Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall Super Sale Catalog Is Now Online!

    The 2011 Fall Super Sale Catalog Hosted by Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales is now online. You can visit us at our website and click on the 2011 Fall Super Sale link at the top Left of the Page or see the entire catalog at...
  12. M

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall Super Sale!

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales consignment forms are now available for the Sept 22-24th, 2011 Sale in Wilmington, OH. The Fall Super Sale will include a special Super 30 sale on Friday Night starting at 7:00 PM. Consignments will be limited. Get your consignments in early. Deadline is...
  13. M

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall SUPER SALE!

    Midwest Whitetail Deer Sales Fall SUPER SALE will be Sept. 22-24th, 2011 in Wilmington, OH (the same location as the Midwest Select). We are accepting consignments for Does, Fawns, Bucks and Semen. There will be a special Sale on Friday Night for 30 Super Sale Lots! The Sale will begin on...
  14. W

    Super Doe Magazine Ebook

    Go to this link to view the Whitetail Guide Super Doe magazine and the great does these farms have showcased !!!
  15. W

    super huge doe

    One of our good breeder does is just gigantic. Her belly is so big my partner said he is gonna tie a skateboard on her belly to keep it from dragging. She is known for triplets but last year she didn't give any. This year she looks like there is 4-5 in there. We are nervously keeping a hard eye...