
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    Tagging issue

    Hello, stumbled across this forum while trying to figure out how to stop a buck from tearing tags out of fawns ears. Anybody have any suggestions? I have three beautiful white fawns and immediately after tagging one of them the buck tore the tag right out. Trying to figure out how to stop...
  2. S

    Mandatory tagging in preserves

    I'm going to an animal industry board meeting this afternoon regarding mandatory animal identification in livestock and was wondering if anyone has any info on this being challenged by the Amish whos beliefs are against the mandatory tagging of livestock? I'm representing the SD elk breeders...
  3. D

    Ear Tagging!!!

    I have to ear tag 4 adult does and 2 fawns from this Spring. The does were never ear tagged by the previous caretakers so now I"m playing catch up. We have to use the EID tags and the metal ones. Are these easy to put in? We'll have to dart all of them seeing as how we don't have a drop chute...
  4. R

    Tagging Fawns

    I'm new to deer farming. When tagging fawns, what reaction can i expect from the mama doe or any of the other doe's in the pen.Will the fawn crying cause a lot of stress on the doe's?. Any advice on tagging the fawns would be helpful. Thanks
  5. Whitetail Sanctuary

    Tagging ?

    We currently use a livestock tag,metal 9 diget state tag for transportation,plus a tattoo. My ? is we have had some trouble with the metal tags,tearing or causing slight ear droop. We have have bought deer from other states with the round plastic id number in one ear and a matching livestock tag...
  6. T


    Being new to raising Whitetails I need help (actually lots of help!) One fawn is 5 days old and I want to place an ear tag on it. I've never done this before, but have the tools. Just don't want to do it wrong. any suggestions?
  7. I

    Youth Tagging Fawns

    Happy Memorial Weekend . My sister and I got up at 5:30 am.:eek: We tagged 5 fawns, two were hypothermic,:( we put them in our ''home made" hot boxes with hair dryers. There now back up to temperature, and ready for bottle-feeding.:D This sure beats Saturday morning cartoons and video games.;)...