
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Four Seasons Whitetails

    Interesting Thinking!

    Some thoughts from the qdma boys!     verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;(0,0,0)Indiana General Assembly close to passing Bill to allow High Fence Hunting (0,0,0);verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', ;I just read in my local newspapers that the Indiana General Assembly is...
  2. Four Seasons Whitetails

    Just Thinking!

    Ok lets say i breed a doe with a straw of all male semen and she gives me a buck and a doe fawn. Whats the chances of her not having all her plumbing inside to be able to breed and have fawns herself later in life. Could she be like, Hermaphrodite or would it be that somehow in the process of...