
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    breeding times

    In our area does will naturally come into heat around the 15 of November. Can I place may ciders in on lets say the 15 of October and shoot for ai at beginning of November. My thoughts are if they do not take the back up fawns will be pretty close to the fawns out of does that are not ai.  My...
  2. IndependenceRanch

    The worst of times

    I have been in deer since the early 90's and I guess we have hit an all time low for the industry. Folks are now offering free bottle started doe fawns to anyone who wants them. Feed prices are triple what they were in the early 90's and vet costs are through the roof. For me to ship a deer off...
  3. M

    For those going through hard times on the farm and those serving our country

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=shvpO9XGmsQ I work with the Uncle of the base player for Reckless Mercy. He is a crew chief on a Chinook helicopter and has served for 14 years in the US army.
  4. D

    missing the old times....

    Love all the new folks on here and think it's awesome...but where are all the original guys when I first got on here ....I miss you guys......please don't stay quiet ...speak up....I miss the old conversations......when you could speak your point and not get blasted.......don't stay silent...
  5. J

    AI times

    I have been doing transcervical AI for the last 4years. I got a hands on lesson from Kelly and Hillary Powell. I am extremely thankful for all the information they have both shared with me. The majority of the deer I AI are being bred b/t 57-60 hours. I am wondering if anyone has bred past 60...
  6. B

    how many times do you split your straws

    How many times do all of you split your straws and what are your success rates? We will be AIing October 26 so it is time to decide who gets bred to what. Has anyone had any success spitting a straw 4 ways?
  7. K

    How long will the good times last?

    I am new to the business, but it appears to me there has been a tremendous growth in the industry with in the last 5 years due to education and the increase in genetics (antler size). Everyone wants the biggest. It also looks like it moved from the highest score and now moving towards the...
  8. A

    Tough times in deer farming

    I had to trade my chore truck for this guy...
  9. A

    Times are tough all over

    Times are tough all over by David L. Autry With the economy like it is, even government wildlife agencies are looking at new ways to increase their revenue. The times of relying heavily on hunting license sales for a major portion of their revenue seems to no longer be good enough. With...