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  1. ohdeer

    Help Need tiny fawn photo!

    Hello all, I was on facebook the other day and then also saw another one in a profile pic here on deerfarmer. I am looking for the teeny tiny fawn pic (like 2-4 lb fawn). The one I saw on facebook had a $20 bill propped up next to it. The one I saw here was being held in one hand. 1st-...
  2. redwood_river_whitetails

    Need help with a tiny fawn!!!

    We had a triplet fawn born yesterday....3lbs.....other 2 were 5+ lbs and are ok. I took him yesterday morning as he was very weak and it was very cold and windy here. I don't know if he got any colostrum. I got him to take (suck) 1 1/2 oz of formula yesterday early afternoon and 2 1/2 oz...