
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. jerrilee cave

    Indiana summer study hearing tomorrow

    Indiana DNR calls scientific heavy hitters to captive-deer hearing Ryan Sabalow, [email protected] 2:31 p.m. EDT August 18, 2014 For years, the state agency with the most at stake in the ongoing legislative debate over what to do about the disease-prone captive-deer industry has...
  2. Four Seasons Whitetails

    Starts tomorrow!!!

    NYDEFA will hold their annual auction and fundraiser Friday, September 28 and Saturday September 29 in Cortland, NY. Doors open at 9am with the auction starting at 11am on Friday and doors open at 7am on Saturday with auction starting at 8am. For more information on the auction, please visit...
  3. W

    Low-Flying Planes coming tomorrow AM

    Hi all! Need your help. I am looking for any legal matters that dealt with low-flying planes and death of your deer...and, unfortunately, I need it fast. WI DATCP are scheduled to come tomorrow a.m. to fly over our 11 acres of pens that hold 85 deer so they can spray for gypsy moths because...
  4. H

    TB & Brucellosis Testing Tomorrow

    Our testing starts tomorrow:eek:. Wish us luck. Will not take long only 4 yearling deer. Been practicing with the dart gun in the pen. They do not even flinch anymore. Will only have to dart the buck. Big difference between shooting the Block and pulling the trigger for the first time...
  5. W

    Ohio Auction Starts tomorrow!!!

    I have heard some great things about the Ohio auction. Watch it on the net if you cant make it! We will be announcing the purchase of a great new hope to be...super sire. May offer our 4 does in the auction to be live bred to him.....more to come.
  6. C

    HELP: Helicopter pilot cancelled for tomorrow

    My Helicopter pilot cancelled for tomorrow at 10:30am North of Bracketteville, tx. Any help is needed. R44 needed @ $600-$700 per hour. Any leads please give me a call. 832-660-4338 Thanks, Cameron Crow